Work packages (WP)
To accomplish its objectives, GrowH! consists in four scientific work packages (WPs, 1 to 4) supported by an overall project management (WP5):
WP1. Creating an evidence base for effective obesity interventions in the early life-course
Lead: Dr Claudia Börnhorst, Leibniz-Institut für Präventionsforschung und Epidemiologie - BIPS, Germany
Co-lead: Dr Tanja Vrijkotte, Amsterdam University Medical Center (AMC), Amsterdam Public Health research institute, The Netherlands
WP1 aims to develop a life-course model of obesity prevention pinpointing the most promising intervention targets from birth to young adulthood. Existing cohort data such as the IDEFICS/ I.Family cohort will be re-analysed to study (1) the impact of key risk factors such as diet or media use and (2) the effects of ‘hypothetical’ interventions on obesity.
1.1: To assess the relative impact of modifiable risk factors at critical transition stages from childhood to young adulthood with focus on vulnerable groups
1.2: To develop a life-course model of obesity prevention from childhood to young adulthood using existing cohort data
1.4: To assess the impact of hypothetical interventions during the early life-course using the g-formula
1.5: To validate the results of the IDEFICS/I.Family cohort by replication in the ABCD cohort
Planned deliverables
D1.1.1 Complex risk score (publication manuscript) (Month 9)
D1.1.2 Age-specific quantification of obesity risk factors (publication manuscript) (Month 12)
D1.1.3 Validation of age-specific obesity risk factors (publication manuscript) (Month 18)
D1.2.1 Life-course model of developmental stages until adulthood (publication manuscript) (Month 24)
D1.3.1 Comparative assessment of hypothetical interventions (publication manuscript) (Month 30)
WP2. Development of proof-of-feasibility studies on a local level
Lead: Dr Teatske Altenburg, VU University Medical Center (VUMC), Amsterdam Public Health research institute, The Netherlands
Co-lead: Dr Heide Busse, Leibniz-Institut für Präventionsforschung und Epidemiologie - BIPS, Germany
WP2 will build on previous experience and the most recent methodology established by project partners and their networks to adapt two participatory intervention approaches that will be implemented in the local contexts in Germany and Spain. A systems expert panel will provide critical reflection and advice on how to integrate elements needed in the perspective of a broader systems-oriented strategy.
2.1 To set up an international, multidisciplinary obesity systems expert panel
2.2 To draft a pragmatic, logic framework for addressing obesity prevention for the local contexts in Germany and Spain
2.3 To adapt two novel intervention approaches for families and children from vulnerable groups to the local context in Bremen and Zaragoza
Planned deliverables
D2.1.1 Overview of frameworks and systems approaches for addressing obesity prevention (Month 18)
D2.2.1 A pragmatic, logic framework for addressing obesity prevention for the local contexts of Germany and Spain (Month 36)
D2.3.1 Ethical approval documents (Month 10)
D2.3.2 Protocol for conducting home-based motivational interviewing with families to improve weight outcomes in children, adapted to the local context of Bremen (Month 12)
D2.3.3 Protocol for conducting YPAR to promote physical activity and healthy dietary behaviours in 9-12-year old children, adapted to the local context of Zaragoza (Month 12)
WP3. Implementation and evaluation of proof-of-feasibility studies
Lead: Professor Luis Moreno, Universidad de Zaragoza (UNIZAR), Spain
Co-lead: Dr Tilman Brand, Leibniz-Institut für Präventionsforschung und Epidemiologie - BIPS, Germany
WP3 will implement the proof-of-feasibility studies developed in WP2, evaluate their feasibility and suggest a scalability plan in Germany and Spain (one study per country). Operational stakeholders will be involved already during the planning stage to obtain their sustainable support for continuation and up-scaling of successful approaches.
3.1 To implement a home-based motivational interviewing intervention for the prevention of obesity, supported by the State Association for Health (LVG) Bremen and Lower Saxony as operational stakeholder
3.2 To implement a participatory action approach for the prevention of obesity, supported by the Aragón’s Public Health Department as operational stakeholder
3.3 To assess the feasibility of both prevention approaches and to propose a scalability plan
Planned deliverables
D3.1.1 Description of the implementation process of the home-based motivational interviewing proof-of-feasibility study (publication manuscript) (Month 32)
D3.1.2 Description of the implementation of the participatory action proof-of-feasibility study (publication manuscript) (Month 32)
D3.2.1 Feasibility analysis of the home-based motivational interviewing proof-of-feasibility study (publication manuscript) (Month 30)
D3.2.2 Feasibility analysis of the YPAR proof-of-feasibility study (publication manuscript) (Month 30)
D3.2.3 Scalability plan of the home-based motivational interviewing proof-of-feasibility study (Month 32)
D3.2.4 Scalability plan of the YPAR proof-of-feasibility study (Month 32)
WP4. Integration of the obtained evidence and know-how into a systems-oriented policy guidance
Lead: Professor Stefaan De Henauw, Ghent University, Faculty of Medicine (UGENT), Belgium
Co-lead: Dr Teatske Altenburg, VU University Medical Center (VUMC), Amsterdam Public Health research institute, The Netherlands
Obesity is a major global public health problem with roots in a complex interplay of factors that are beyond control of individuals and therefore can be addressed sustainably only through a systemic societal approach. In this WP, we will create a framework for such approach, integrating research evidence from specific settings (schools and deprived households) into a systems perspective. The work will rely on a panel of top experts in this field.
Obj. 4.1: To integrate the evidence obtained from WP1-3 into a systems approach framework
Obj. 4.2: To validate the GrowH! systems approach framework using a peer review consultation approach
Obj. 4.3: To translate the GrowH! systems approach framework into comprehensive ready-to-use policy guidance
Planned deliverables
Del. 4.1.1: SOP for systems mapping based on the evidence obtained from WP1-3 (Month 18)
Del. 4.1.2: Publication manuscript with results from systems mapping (Month 30)
Del. 4.1.3: Draft white paper (Month 30)
Del. 4.2.1: Operational protocol for public consultation and expert knowledge elicitation (Month 27)
Del. 4.2.2: Report with results from public and expert consultation and from the symposium (Month 34)
Del. 4.2.3: Policy guidance document for implementation of GrowH! obesity prevention evidence (Month 36)
WP5. Project coordination and management
Lead: Professor Wolfgang Ahrens, Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology - BIPS, Germany
Co-lead: All partners
Key activities of WP5 concern the establishment of functional bodies and the project governance, to monitor the work progress closely to help averting negative consequences of critical events to the study’s aims, and to facilitate communication and ensure a smooth workflow throughout the project.
5.1 To manage administrative, legal and financial affairs
5.2 To ensure risk management and adjust project plans
5.3 To manage information flow
Planned deliverables
D 5.1.1 Minutes of meetings (Month 36)
D5.2.1 Quality management plan (Month 5)
D5.2.2 Risk management plan (Month 6)
D5.3.1 Closed access web platform including project content management system (CMS) (Month 3)