Join the SPECIAL SESSION: GrowH! – Obesity Prevention Tailored to Critical Transition Periods in the Early Life-course
at the 11th International Conference on Nutrition and Growth (N&G 2024), 15-17 February 2024 in Lisbon, Portugal
On Thursday February 15, 2024, 9:00-10:30 a.m. (Pavilion 3 AB)
Our program:
- Implementing innovative approaches for obesity prevention in children and their families
- Co-creating an obesity prevention intervention with children – a feasibility study from Zaragoza, Spain
- Implementing a family-based intervention to promote healthy family routines in deprived neighbourhoods – a feasibility study from Bremen, Germany
- How to fit obesity prevention know-how from specific settings into a broader systems perspective: a conceptual framework from the GrowH! Project
Further details:

Obesity prevention tailored to critical transition periods in the early life-course
GrowH! is a collaborative research project of the Joint Programming Initiative on a Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life (JPI HDHL), it involves 6 research partner institutions based in Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and Spain, and 2 collaborating institutes based in Belgium and Canada.
The project started in April 2021 and will run until June 2024, after a 3-month project extension.